أخبار اليمن

ورد للتو .. مؤسسة الاتصالات تكشف لملايين المشتركين في 4 محافظات اسباب توقف خدمة الانترنت عنهم (تفاصيل)

First Press – Special:

The Public Corporation for Telecommunications revealed to millions of subscribers of its services the reasons for the interruption of internet service for them in four governorates of the Republic, since 12:00 midnight on Wednesday.

And the branch of the General Corporation for Communications in Al-Mahra Governorate announced that “the Internet stopped after 12 midnight on Wednesday, for subscribers to Internet services in the governorates of Hadramout, Shabwa, Marib and Al-Mahra (Qishn and Sayhut).”

He explained that “the terrestrial internet service was suspended, as previously noted, on Wednesday evening, after 12 midnight, to carry out maintenance work on fiber-optic cables affected by the torrential rains in Al-Mahra Governorate.”

The rains of varying intensity between medium and heavy, which have continued to fall on the various governorates of the country, for a week, have caused the death and injury of about 22 citizens so far, and caused material damage to infrastructure, especially in the eastern governorates.
